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Jobs with your degree - Something to keep in mind

While your degree may lead you in a particular direction, be aware that there are other paths open to you as well. Careers advisers estimate that about 40 per cent of vacancies advertised for graduates do not ask for specific degree subjects. In fact, many employers will be more interested in your personal skills and abilities than your degree discipline.
So, if your degree is not in an obviously vocational subject, or if you want a change, don't worry. Most graduates will find that their studies have given them a set of 'transferable skills' that can be used in a variety of careers – including many that may not be directly connected to their degree subject at all.
At Pitman Training Waterford we will provide you with a professional career consultation if you are unsure of the direction you want to go in along with free help with your CV, tips on interview skills and a local Jobs list. We’re here to help!

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