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Time to stay positive as Bausch & Lomb cut 200 jobs in Waterford

The disappointing news that Bausch & Lomb are to cut 200 jobs in Waterford comes at a tough time on the jobs front in Waterford, following other well-documented business closures in the city.

However, for those unfortunate enough to lose their jobs, it's important to stay positive.

At Pitman Training, we've helped thousands of people survive redundancy and make the transition to a new and better career. Today, these are the people that often say losing their job was the best thing that ever happened to them...the catalyst to make a change, take a first step etc.

Each week at our Pitman Training Centre in Waterford city, we publish a jobs list, with lists of job opportunities for our students. Often, people comment that they are surprised to see so many vacancies locally, when the only message they hear on TV, radio, newspapers etc is that there are no jobs in Waterford.

So...the message is: stay positive, start searching and remember, that we're always available to help at Pitman Training...you can arrange a free 1:1 consultation with one of our professional course advisors today by calling freephone 1800 532 632 or visit our webiste: www.pitman-training.ie

To get started, here’s a quick guide to ensuring that your attitude remains positive throughout your search:

1. Go easy on Yourself
The job search can turn you into your own worst enemy. Treat yourself with positivity and respect by focusing on your accomplishments and remaining proud of yourself.

2. Take Control
Be accountable for your own actions by taking responsibility for everything you do. Don’t let a bad day send your search in the wrong direction.

3. Don’t Take it Personally
It’s all too easy to take your struggles within the job search a little too personally. While it’s important to learn from your experiences, consider them as constructive criticism and grow accordingly.

4. Get Out
Don’t let your job search turn you into a hermit. Continue your daily lifestyle of seeing your friends and family, as well as exercising regularly. All of these aspects will work to maintain a level attitude.

5. Maintain A Schedule
Creating a schedule that you stick to can often send your job search in a new direction. Focus your attention on your daily tasks to prevent yourself from feeling bored or frustrated.

6. Continue Growing
A poor attitude might result from boredom and feeling useless. Work to ensure that your skills aren’t going stagnant during your search, take a class, attend conferences and webinars, or even volunteer.

7. Let It Out
A great way to maintain a positive mental outlook is by talking about what you’re experiencing. There are a number of people you can speak to about what you’re feeling, but blogging might also be an outlet that could potentially benefit your attitude and your job search.

8. Take it one day at a time
Your attitude may suffer when you are continually spending your time worrying about the future. Take your job search one day at a time and understand that small steps get the job done just as well as larger ones.

9. Reward Yourself
Make time in your job search for rewards. Even the smallest feat is something worth patting yourself on the back for.

The job search can certainly challenge your positive attitude, but it’s entirely up to you whether you let that happen. Use these tips to stay positive throughout your search.

1 comment:

  1. I am a firm believer in positive attitude when it comes to job hunting. Also, the old cliché of "looking for a job is a job in itself" is one of the most important things to remember.
