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Networking - Pitman Training Waterford

NETWORKING is the single most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success for any individual or organization! – Adam Small
Networking is about making connections and building enduring, mutually beneficial relationships. SBN operates as a catalyst to ensure you meet the “right” people to include in your network and expand your sphere of influence.
Ultimately, it’s not about who you know ... but WHO KNOWS YOU!!
Ask any senior executive, politician, community leader or successful salesperson which single skill or habit helped them excel in their career – an overwhelming majority will respond with one simple word… Networking.
We are constantly bombarded with advertisements, emails, status updates, special offers,  and sales pitches creating a cluttered message. Personal relationships enable you and your organization to stand out, rise above the noise and remain top of mind.
Relationships are the catalyst for success.
People do business with those they like and trust.Serve as a resource, help others succeed.
Networking provides the most productive, most proficient and most enduring tactic to build relationships.
To succeed you must continually connect with new people, cultivate emerging relationships and leverage your network.
Learn dynamics within your industry
Establish your business contacts
Get “plugged in” to your community
Seek new career opportunities
Facilitate win-win relationships
Create your referral networks
Accelerate your professional development
Develop knowledge resources

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