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Free CV Clinics at Pitman Training Waterford this November

100% FREE CV Clinic with one of our trained professionals

100% FREE CV Clinic with one of our trained professionals (worth €70) with Pitman Training in November 2015


100 Point CV Checklist Review

Transform your CV and secure that new or better career!

Strictly Limited Places!!

Book your  "Free CV Clinic" place NOW! by sending in your CV to
waterford@pitman-training.ie or by calling our Waterford Centre on 051 574 136

Remember, your life won't change until you take the first step! Let us help guide you on that journey. Contact us today!!

051 574 136 (Waterford Centre) 
1800 532 632 (Free phone)
Copyright © Flúirse Limited t/a Pitman Training Kerry, Cork and Waterford 2015

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Flúirse Limited Registered office: Monavalley Business Park, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland Registered in Ireland: Registered No. 405905 VAT No: IE 6425905U Copyright Flúirse Limited 2015

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